Signs of Spring!

Ahhhh March...the month when spring finally starts to arrive in the midwest. Already I am seeing some of our feathered friends starting to arrive signifying the impending change of seasons.

The first signs of spring arriving for me are the increase in waterfowl. During the winter months we are pretty much stuck with Canada Geese and Mallards around here, but in March the water birds are the first to come back from their winter migration. Wood ducks, American Coots, American Wigeon, Northern Pintail, Canvasback, Bufflehead, Hooded Mergansers, Green winged teal, etc. have all been spotted at the local lakes and rivers. I have also spotted the Red Winged Blackbirds and, to me, these are the true harbingers of spring! Most people think it is the robin, but since so many robins are not migrating anymore, for me it is definitely the red-wings.

I was driving to the mall Sunday and I passed a housing addition with some cat tails and as I looked over, perched on the top of a cat tail was a beautiful male red winged, spreading his wings and giving his tell-tale "Konk la deee" call. Across from him on another cat tail stem was a female. I couldn't help but smile knowing that these were the first I had seen for 2006.

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