Common Nighthawk

Last night we were treated to a small group of Common Nighthawks soaring over the house in search of insects. I counted a total of 8 of these guys soaring around, but I was having a hard time keeping my eye on them as they would occasionally disappear over the neighbors rooftops and out of my sight line. It seems we always see them in August and September in our area right at dusk, but I hardly ever see them at other times of the year in the neighborhood. Kat and I figured it was the start of their migration since they are thought to be some of the earliest migrants. I love watching them soar and their unmistakable white wing bars are visible even to the naked eye. (But are really beautiful when viewed through the binoculars)

In doing a little research on Nighthawk I found some valuable information regarding them through the Project Nighthawk site. So, be on the lookout for these wonderful creatures on their migration path during the period of August 17th to September 5. Watch the sky during the last two hours of daylight.

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