Northern Mockingbird

This winter there has been a larger than normal number of mockingbirds seen in my area. Seems like you can always find some around but I see several almost every day in my travels to and from work. Also, the feeders have been visited by four individuals that hang out in our housing addition. This caused me to wonder about winter distribution of this species in central Indiana. Judging from this map, we are very near the northern edge of the winter range. Perhaps the milder winter temperatures have encouraged them to stick around instead of heading further south. Perhaps their range is expanding. Who knows!

I always find the mockingbirds interesting though. Every spring the office where I work is graced by the presence of a pair that nest in the tree lined barrier near the parking lot. As I walk in to the back entrance to the office, I am graced by their songs. They used to fool me. I would hear the songs and think another bird was around, but then I would look up and see them singing away on the top corner of the building in the early morning sun. Mockingbirds can sing up to 200 songs. Have you ever been fooled when birding by one of their mimics? I didn't know they also imitated songs of insects and amphibians as well. What a diverse little creature!

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