Jasper Pulaski Under Threat!

One of Indiana's treasures is under the threat of being damaged or destroyed. Jasper Pulaski Fish and Wildlife area, known world-wide as a stopover point for migrating sandhill cranes, is targeted for a new neighbor - a hog farm! I can't read this story without getting ridiculously angry. Of all the area in the northwestern part of the state that is already agricultural, they select a site right next to a wildlife sanctuary. I am flabbergasted by the comments from the article saying "Within a matter of days, it's very difficult to find much of the remnants of manure in the soil." Let me get this straight...you want to inject manure into the soil - manure from 2500 hogs - and I am supposed to believe that this poses no environmental impact to the adjacent migrating stopover of tens of thousands of sandhill cranes? Only the current repulican administration can put a spin on it like this! Give us a break! We are not stupid! We sure could use some help from national organizations on this one. Local efforts to combat it seem to not be well connected.

Over the weekend, I took some photos of the birds at the feeders and got a couple of good ones. I'll post them when I get the downloaded.

Gosh...I am just so amazed by the lunacy of the whole hog farm proposal.

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