Ice skating Cardinals

We had an ice storm hit Saturday night. It started about 5PM and went through the night. In the morning, the world was crystal-like with ice everywhere. (Including the sidewalks! No, I didn't fall on my butt) Once the birds woke up, the came to the ice covered feeders. Under the feeders along the edge of a flower bed are some landscaping blocks that were covered in ice. What a trip it was to watch the 8 or so cardinals land on the blocks and slide down the slope of them. They couldn't quite figure it out. The were trying to get some traction to no avail! Yet instead of jumping off the blocks and onto the ground, they kept slipping and sliding. I decided they must have liked it and were ice skating simply for the enjoyment of it. They sure were fun to watch!

It has been unseasonably cold here so far for December. (Todays forecast; cloudy with a high of 26) I haven't felt the urge to get out in this yucky weather and bird. But, the Christmas bird count is coming up, so I'll definitely be out for those. By the way, if anyone wants to join a count in Indiana, here is some info.

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