First bird of December

I always am curious at the start of a new month what bird will be the first one I see for the month. (Am I obsessed or what? - LOL) So, on my way to work just as the dawn was breaking, I was pleased to see one of my favorite birds, the American Kestrel. No matter how many times I see this bird hunting, I am always fascinated. It's hovering in the air as it scopes out little rodents for a snack is always worth watching. This one appeared to be a female and she was hunting an open field just south of an electrical transformer station near Starbucks. I think I need to attract these guys to my yard as the moles and mice are pretty abundant right now. With that thought, I know that setting up Kestrel nest boxes is becoming more and more common. Here's a site to learn about building and placing those nest boxes.

More snow here today - supposed to get about 2 inches. It looks so pretty falling to the ground. It was funny to see a Great Blue Heron sitting by the lake at work in the snow. Even though I know these birds are year round residents here, they sure seem like they belong down along the gulf coast. When I see one sitting in the snow, I swear they look pissed off!

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