Black Capped or Carolina Chickadee?

I am participating in Project Feederwatch and as I looked through the documentation, the compiler emphasized some of the common misidentifications that occur in Indiana - one being the chickadees. So, I did a little research and found a wonderful site describing the differences and trying to help in distinguising between Carolina chickadee and Black-capped chickadee.

So, I read these clues and got out my Sibley Guide and read all the information on telling the two species apart. Evidently, I have been guilty of naming the chickadees I've seen locally incorrectly. After careful review and study, it appears the chickadees I see most often are indeed Carolina chickadees. Since I was a kid I have always referred to them as Black-capped. Actually, I still wasn't sure even after reading all the available resources and then I went to my birding software program and pulled both birds up side by side and noticed the differences in the cinnamon buff coloring. The chickadees that I observed in the yard match the plumage markings of the Carolina chickadee in the software almost exactly. Now, I find myself wondering if I have ever truly seen a Black-capped chickadee or have misidentified every one I've seen for all these years!

On the subject of chickadees though, it sure seems to have been a good year for them as they are easily the most abundant bird in my yard this fall.

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