Moving the Feeder

While watching the feeders in my alone time on Sunday, it occurred to me that for the winter birds, it makes sense to relocate my feeders to the front or side of my yard where they will be better protected from wind and they also will be more near cover. Hopefully this would serve two purposes. First, being near cover will increase the opportunity for the less brazen birds to come to the feeders. Secondly, maybe the birds I see on the side of the house that never come to the feeders in my back yard, will come to them if relocated, thereby enahancing my birding pleasure!! Now the hard part...where to move them?

Doing a little research on the subject has not really helped me learn anything I didn't already know. None of the articles seem to address my biggest issue! Where can I put it so I don't have to rearrange all the furniture in my living room? Let's face it! This is a dilemma. LOL.

All joking aside, I have trouble visualizing these sorts of things. I have made a drawing and what I decided on looks good on paper. But, will it translate to the "optimum birdfeeding experience"? The yard has a hill - not just a slight one but a fairly steep one. (I hate mowing that thing! - but I digress) Thinking of walking on the hillside in a foot of snow is certainly not a pleasant thought. I'd love to see pictures if anyone has any ideas on how to place birding stations on hillsides.

There are mice in my basement. First they attacked the birdseed. I secured all of that, but I forgot about the suet cakes on the shelf. The little varmints bit a hole through the plastic and ate a piece out of them! This is war! If they aren't careful, I'll release the cats down there! :-)

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